Sunday 18 April 2010

Relationships...FAUX PAS

It may sound ridiculous but at the age of 21 I can easily say that I have made or experienced every relationship mistake in the book.
For example there was the first date with the perfect rugby player which saw me unable to refuse all the drinks he brought me. He ended up putting a slurring me in a taxi whilst I dropped called him continuously at 4am.
Or there’s the guy I was seeing last year who proceeded to tell me a few weeks into us dating that he was also seeing someone else, that he hoped this wasn’t a problem and that because of this no photos of us together could be uploaded onto Facebook.
In fact in the last year I have been dumped for an ex, received a rude email from an ex boyfriend on Valentines Day, been ditched for the other woman, looked at a guy’s phone whilst he was in the shower (and then proceeded to tell him I had when drunk) and have even been stalked.
You see at the age of 21 I am certain that I could write a book on what not to do in/on/or during dating. Relaying these anecdotes to my friends I was taken aside by a good guy friend and informed that he felt this was purely due to my fear of commitment. According to him I purposely messed up on these dates or found men that were inadequate as then commitment would not be an issue.
Strange but probably true. Don’t get me wrong I still dream of holidays to South Africa, Christmas gifts from Tiffany’s, my perfect white wedding and even the three children that follow, it’s just I refuse to lower my expectations.
My ideal man is tall, South African/Irish/Australian (insert nationality), a doctor, hugely sarcastic, a great speller, and is also a great rugby player. Is that really too much to ask for?
Probably. So until my Mr Perfect does arrive I will continue making and experiencing these relationship mistakes, safe in the knowledge that I can and will do better. And who knows, with all this experience I could even write a book!

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