Tuesday 29 September 2009

I love being controversial

As a fashion journalist it is essential that one has good taste. But what if your good taste differs from someone else's good taste?
Take for example Jeremy Scott. His 2010 Spring/Summer collection inspired by The Flinstones was to say the least pretty horrific. We all know that the eighties are making a comeback but that hair, that dress. Deary me... There's a thin line and Jeremy crossed it.
I have to defend him however by admitting that he is one of my favourite designers. His clothing is young, fun and colourful, exactly the kind of clothing that I personally love to wear. Yes Alexander McQueen is a genius, Vivienne Westwood a fashion asset and Chloe, an important aspect behind women's fashion, but Jeremy Scott? He's just having the time of his life creating his collections. Yes he's having fun and that's what fashion is all about!

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