Tuesday 29 September 2009

Make Me A Fashion Student

My biggest triumph of the year has been my acceptance into the London College of Fashion for a Masters degree in Fashion Journalism. (I am in all honesty bewildered as to how they let me slip onto the course!) It means however that I am soon to be surrounded by fashionistas- people with trendy, colourful haircuts and outrageous outfits. It’s therefore necessary that I too blend in with my artistic surroundings. I’ve already been through the haircut fiasco (last year whilst living in New York I decided to chop all of my hair off and I’m currently suffering from that ‘in-between’ lengths hair stage) so what else could I do?
We all know accessories can make or break an outfit, and I can't get enough statement rings. On my wishlist is Yves Saint Laurent Ring. The only problem is that I'm now running out of spare fingers!
As I've mentioned I LOVE handbags. I have one rule, though - they have to be ridiculously big (if I can find my keys within the minute then I know the handbag is just too small).
I tend to find most of my bags at vintage markets but I am desperate to invest in JJ Winters Fringe bag. This will be of course used purely to carry my course books…
I also need to invest in a staple piece for my wardrobe, something that can be adjusted so that it can be worn with a variety of different outfits. With this in mind I was instantly drawn to Topshop’s boyfriend blazer. Perfect over a summer dress, with jeans or for a smart event this blazer fits most outfits.
The last thing I require on my quest to becoming the perfect fashion student is a diary. I have picked up the awful habit of writing notes to myself on my hands and, besides a telling off from manicurists, this is not the best way to remember those oh so important dates. I therefore decided it was time to invest in a personal planner and was instantly attracted to Aspinal’s Bijou Organoser.

Having achieved my desired fashion college look, what’s left? Oh right, the work…

Abi In Wonderland

A few months ago I finally got the key to the door and turned 21. For me, it was yet another excuse to have a huge flamboyant party and this year definitely did not disappoint.

amazon things i wish my mother had told me lessons in grace and elegance by lucia van der post I themed my 21st ‘Abi in Wonderland’ and transformed my garden into a massive tea party. My family decided to push the theme to the extreme and soon there were rose bushes, playing cards, love hearts, teapots and chandeliers covering every inch of our marquee.

I decided to be authentic with my outfit and ordered a tailored Alice in Wonderland dress (including pinafore) which managed to decrease my age by ten years. It was however my shoes that completed my outfit and were the talk of the town - my Melissa and Vivienne Westwood ‘Lady Dragon’ heels – whimsical peep toes with a huge red heart embellishment.

My birthday treats did not end there however. The morning of my actual birthday I was woken by my mother at 6am (I’m really not a morning person) who had a surprise for me, a day at Champneys Health Resort.

We spent the day indulging in facials, hour long massages, pedicures and a new treatment called Thalasso Active, which takes place in a pool and claims to tone and reduce cellulite. A day of complete relaxation.

I was also given a hardback copy of Lucia Van Der Post’s book Things I Wish My Mother Had Told Me: Lessons in Grace and Elegance. This book is a necessity to anyone with any interest, big or small, in fashion. It covers everything fashion and lifestyle-related, from how to dress for your figure to choosing paint colours for your house. My Grandmother, mother and I all own our own copies and I know that I will be referring to this book for decades to come.

Catwalk Confidential

My mother kindly purchased tickets for us both to see 'Catwalk Confidential' this evening. Brought to London from The Fringe this 'play' is a one woman show told by ex model Robyn Peterson. With no knowledge of Robyn Peterson I was intrigued to hear about her experiences being a model. What I did not expect was to end up watching a panto.
Don't get me wrong I was interested to hear what her experiences modelling for Vogue, Westwood, and Karl Lagerfeld were like...but yet she seemed to want to share more about her childhood than the highs of her successful modelling career. What a disappointment. No-one wants to hear about a fling with a random photographer. We do however want to hear who was a mega bitch in the industry and what luscious clothes she wore for each designer.
It seems to me that this ex model fancies her chances in the limelight once again, only this time on stage. I will admit however that the photographs of her as a young girl are stunning, particularly one of her posing as Marilyn Monroe. That was definitely iconic. It's just a shame that what could have made an intriguing biography was instead transformed into a panto!


I love Sienna Miller. Ever since I saw her giggling away in that Hugo Boss advert I realised that I wanted her as my new best friend. Okay so the chances of that are very slim but wearing her clothes? Do-able! Sienna set up fashion brand Twenty8Twelve with sister Savannah and I think we all were slightly reluctant to give their line the benefit of the doubt. After watching their show on style.com however at London Fashion week I am totally in love! Their clothes are typically Sienna, London influenced with splashes of Bohemian thrown in and they are divine! Good work Sienna and Savannah. Clearly not just sassy names your parents blessed you with!

I love being controversial

As a fashion journalist it is essential that one has good taste. But what if your good taste differs from someone else's good taste?
Take for example Jeremy Scott. His 2010 Spring/Summer collection inspired by The Flinstones was to say the least pretty horrific. We all know that the eighties are making a comeback but that hair, that dress. Deary me... There's a thin line and Jeremy crossed it.
I have to defend him however by admitting that he is one of my favourite designers. His clothing is young, fun and colourful, exactly the kind of clothing that I personally love to wear. Yes Alexander McQueen is a genius, Vivienne Westwood a fashion asset and Chloe, an important aspect behind women's fashion, but Jeremy Scott? He's just having the time of his life creating his collections. Yes he's having fun and that's what fashion is all about!