Monday 24 May 2010

The sun most definitely has it's hat on...

Actually that title now has got me thinking...why does the sun have it's hat on? Is it scared of sunstroke? Is he/she/it waering a trilbee? Hmm discuss..
Anyway I am in a fantastic mood. I LOVE the sunshine, true I still have that glass wedged in my foot and I have a red raw back but I am having a day where generally things aren't going wrong!
On top of the wonderful weather I had an interview. I went along fairly relaxed and with the thought that this would not be that intense and I could walk it. Oh how wrong I was. How on earth are you supposed to discuss your flaws, your ideal team mates and your ideal boss whilst trying to make yourself sound like the perfect employee? Well somehow I did it as I've reached the second round of the applicants. Whoop de doo (I am sure this has nothing to do with the fact that my brother is a producer on Eastenders).
I then realised that in 6 days I will be out and about in many an australian bar, snakebite in hand celebrating another year of my life! I cannot describe my excitement. There are many things in this life that I enjoy but a few of them include snakebites, rugby, south african accents and the occasional cheesy music. My birthday is going to be a combination of them all. Oh yes I am hitting The Church in full fancy dress. Not only this, but I intend on heading to the redback bar afterwards. A full 12 hours of drinking, excited is hardly the word to describe it.
My friend Rob has even insisted that he is buying me a teapot. Now I had no idea what this is but apparently it is literally a teapot filled with shots that you share...but no no Rob is banning me from sharing I have to drink the whole thing myself. This spells D R U N K. (For one thing only the australians could take a civilised kitchen utensil and turn it into a drinking game).
So for now I'm happy and training my liver for the foreseeable hangover; a bit of miso, a lot of salad....oh and come sunday a lot of drink!

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