Saturday 29 May 2010

If I can be serious for just one minute...

Why hello there...for a one off blog I just want to talk about something serious. Think of this as the advert break between my blog but try to pay attention!
Working within the fashion industry for a while I have obviously been witness to the skinny image that magazines seem to always present us with.

When Mark Fast (see picture above) used 'bigger' models (I say bigger in inverted comas because to be perfectly honest the girls were hardly big, they want big they should go to a mcdonalds in houston) I was jumping up and down for joy- and particularly for girls like me who LOVE food and will never ever be a size 8 let alone a size 6!
I automatically wanted to join the campaign against skinny models, when I watched Dawn Porter campaigning outside Hanover Square I was glad someone was taking a stand but after working for several publications I am beginning to realise that this is NOT the fault of the magazines.
Talking yesterday to my boss (I am currently interning for quite a long standing publication at the moment and so will not name names but let's just say they are FABULOUS people to work for) she informed me that she was all for the bigger models appearing in the pages of her magazines but was simply unable to get the clothes to fit models of a bigger size. According to her the PR companies simply are unable to provide her with anything above a size 10, the clothes that she can get in size 14's or even size 12's are UGLY and unflattering. I for one am simply amazed and appalled that sample sized clothes can not simply be made in bigger sizes, if the PRs had the bigger sized clothes then perhaps the magazines could call in bigger sizes and indeed show glamorous plus sized models within the magazines.
I then called several PR companies requesting clothes that were bigger than size 10 and only found a few (mainly the very cheap labels from the high street who could simply pull out a few items from their store) that were able to provide me with such a request.
Perhaps it's time to form a complaint to PRs, then magazines will have no excuse not to show just how beautiful us curvy girls are! Anyway no-one wants to look like a boy!

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