Thursday 11 November 2010

The Update

I haven't blogged for ages. I apologise. A lot has changed, new job, new hair, new attitude...well okay some things have changed.

So I decided earlier this year that I was going to try out new things. To start with this meant going to the theatre on my own, to see art galleries, to visit tourist sites and then I decided to branch it out to my love life.

I have always been hopeless in love. As my many stories on here tell you. So I joined a dating site. I met a few guys, to be fair I got off lucky every single one that I met was absolutely lovely..just so happened that none of us clicked that much.

First there was Alex, music DJ who was really chilled out and good fun. I did not like however the fact that everytime we went out for a drink he assumed me to be impoverished so pulled a face and said 'sooo...shall I get the drinks in, can you afford to buy one?'. I'm all for being spoilt but really. Anyway we got drunk, had a bit of a fondle and then realised actually we're really not anything special.

Then there was Mark. Mark was massive. That sounds isn't. He was 6ft6. I should mention I'm only 5ft4 so over a foot taller than me and a rugby player. Mark was lovely. The biggest softie I've met, such a BFG (best friend or gay). As soon as we met we started outdrinking each other and discussing London Irish. Needless to say date two didn't happen but we do text each other about the rugby scores.

Then there was James. I really liked James. He wasn't that tall but was a sportsman and had a great sense of humour. Things were going really well..he'd invited me to stay for a weekend and actually genuinely seemed to find my jokes funny (great success). But then I got my new job in his building and things just...died. Let's just say the christmas party this year for work will be awkward. I did that typical girl thing of deleting him off facebook and my phone to 'get over him'. Ouch.

So after these guys I decided to rest and concentrate on work. But that can only last for a little while. My latest challenge to myself was to go on a date with a complete stranger. Someone I knew nothing about..apart from the fact that they liked burritos.

Yes that's right I went on a date with Mr Burrito man aka 52 Burrito dates. I'm not an idiot as my best friend called me when I told her about the date, I did my research. This guy seemed smart, was always nice in his blogs and was, after all, Irish. I thought I could never not get on with an Irishman. I was wrong.

You know that scene in Saw where the guy is tied up and awaiting his fate? That was the date. It was one of those situations where from minute one you could just tell you weren't going to have fun. We just didn't click. I tried my best, I asked about hobbies, his job, his favourite food etc. but was greeted with one word answers and a fake laugh. Great. So I told him about me and mentioned that I was a blokes girl and like to tell blokeish jokes. His response? Tell me one. Errr sorry do I look like a performing monkey? Unless you're Michael 'The Hero' McIntyre jokes are supposed to be spontaneous. This is clearly someone who would enjoy my mum's random cheese jokes. I then decided my last resort was to tell my attempted mugger story- which I have in fact told on here- this story everytime I tell it has people shocked and laughing. I have proof of this because I told it during my first round auditions for the tv programme Shipwrecked and it got me through to the pre final round. But do you know what I told it and it was like telling a blonde joke to Amy from The Only Way Is Essex. I just got silence. (cue haystack). That's when I knew it was over. We both made our excuses and left after just half an hour. The humour behind it all? I tried to cancel. My friend Tom was waiting round the corner beforehand and I wanted to continue drinking...but instead I went on the date. I was polite throughout and smiled A LOT. And I mean A LOT.

Needless to say my idea to branch out and try something new has hit a setback. That was horrific. And I'm not someone who would usually blog about a really bad date but let's just say if you pay a visit to 52 Dates I'm not spoken of in a nice light so felt it only fair I get my say. And just for the record after you read surname's not Threadwell and I didn't go to Oxford uni. But heyho it's good to know he was paying attention!

Till my next blog post!

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